Can Strawberry Plants Come Back?

Strawberries are frequently the first fruit a gardener tries in the lawn, because they produce abundantly with little maintenance. They are usually planted as inexpensive dormant bare-roots that could live for many decades. Occasionally more actively growing plants are offered, and those are costlier. Even though strawberries have been hardwired to return every year, the option to grow them as perennials is completely at your discretion.

Perennial Planting

Naturally, strawberries are perennials which could be successful for four or five decades. The plants reproduce through a blend of runners and seeds, theoretically allowing a strawberry bed to grow forever, even after the mother plants die from old age. To produce adequately, perennial strawberry beds have to be thinned yearly, and gardeners will need to implement aggressive weed control strategies because strawberries are shallowly rooted.

Rejuvenating Perennial Plantings

The most frequent planting system for repeated strawberries is that the matted row system. It allows the runners to emerge the next year as plants. Since the plants grow thickly together throughout the season , they may fight each other for space to grow, making bed rejuvenation from the autumn a very important chore. Rejuvenating a bed is straightforward, though. Once you mow foliage close to the ground, fertilize and thin plants to mats about 12 inches broad, your strawberry plants will be prepared to generate luscious fruit again in the spring.

Annual Planting

Although strawberries are naturally wired as perennials, in many places they are planted in autumn and destroyed after fruiting. Treating them as annuals makes good care easier and eliminates the stress of beds creating dangerous levels of pathogens, like soil-borne bacteria and fungus. Based on your immune system, though, growing strawberries since annuals may indicate a whole lot of additional labor.

Yearly Strawberry Bed Care

Strawberries grown as annuals must be rototilled under yearly, right after the previous crop. Soil solarization or chemical sprays may be used to knock down weeds and disease organisms, or you’ll be able to use a new bed in a clean location instead — crop rotation is a proven way of controlling infection organisms. In case your strawberry stand is healthful, it is possible to harvest the most adorable plants to your new bed. Just make sure you have it prepared ahead of time for planting the new crop.

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