I Want to Get Rid of Toadstools

Toadstool is another title for a mushroom using a stem and a cap. Some people today think a toadstool isn’t any mushroom that’s inedible or poisonous, but that’s not true. Simply because something is called a mushroom, not a toadstool, doesn’t mean that you can safely consume it. There’s absolutely no effortless method to eliminate unsightly toadstools in the yard.

Regarding Gills, Spores and Eating Toadstools

Toadstools typically release spores from the gills on the seams of the caps. The wind blows the seams, scattering them around the yard. You can pick toadstools by hand the moment they appear to stop their spores from spreading, but more spores might blow in from your neighbor’s yard. You can choose them to make your yard look much better, but that’s no guarantee that more won’t pop up. Only an expert can tell the difference between poisonous and edible mushrooms and there are no basic tests to spot a toxic species. Never eat any type of toadstool or mushroom unless you know — beyond any shadow of a doubt — which it is not poisonous.

Fairy Ring Toadstools

Fairy ring toadstools grow in 1- to 12-foot-wide semicircles or circles on grass. They release filaments from their spores, forming mats which decompose organic matter. The toadstools can stimulate growth of grass on the outside of their arcs or circles and cause it to die on the interior. Use a long screwdriver, trowel or shovel to measure the thickness of the filament mat. If the mat is less than 3 inches thick, aerate the grass many times a year, watering it well after each treatment. If the mat is over 3 inches deep, then you may have to dig the infested area 1 foot deep and 18 inches beyond the ring or arc and reseed it. Professional landscapers may have access to chemical controls for mushrooms.

Toadstools Growing Above Wood

Some toadstool species develop above lifeless tree roots or unseen scraps of timber or wood. The toadstools that develop above organic matter are usually harmless to grass. Since they decompose the dead roots or old boards, they produce nutrients available to plants. If you don’t like the way the toadstools appear, dig out the timber or pick the toadstools as they appear. You can also accelerate the decomposition of organic matter that the toadstools feed on by applying 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 feet of yard. The first number in a pesticide indicates that the proportion by weight of actual nitrogen in a fertilizer. As an example, 6 pounds of 16-6-8 fertilizer would provide you roughly 1 pound of actual nitrogen.

Toadstools on New Lawns

Laying new yard sod requires frequent watering. This is the right environment many species of small toadstools with slender stems and either brown or light colored sheets or cones. These won’t hurt your growing yard and will vanish when you water less frequently.

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