Environmental Benefits of Pine Trees

Planting pine trees (Pinus spp.) Provides shade, windbreaks and viewing, along with less obvious benefits such as the calming sounds of wind through the pine branches and aromatic scents from leaves and sap. Approximately 114 species of pines are native mostly to the North Hemisphere, but they develop throughout the planet as ornamentals and for timber in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. Pines have added environmental benefits that bring about their role in your own garden.

Soil Erosion Control

Pine trees are generally tough plants which tolerate sun, drought, cold and a wide range of soil conditions. Many species are appropriate for erosion control, with the origins holding soil in place and layers of pine needles helping soften the impact of falling rain. Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), which is hardy to USDA zones 7 through 10, has a spreading root system and speedy growth which makes it suitable for erosion control on steep slopes. Similarly, Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana), which grows in USDA zones 5a through 8b, can be useful in badly eroded areas.

Aerosol Production

Besides delighting your senses, the aromatic compounds released by pine trees undergo insight into aerosol particles. The particles rise into the atmosphere above pine trees, forming cloud droplets. Scientist Dr. Mikael Ehn of this University of Helsinki reports which these aerosols above pine forests may have a cooling effect which can perhaps help limit global warming.

Wildlife Habitat

The dense foliage and branching customs of pine trees provide cover for birds and other small wildlife. Young pine trees have branches which stretch down to the ground, allowing protection from harsh temperatures, winds and hunters. As pines climb, the branch canopies become higher off the ground, with a tall, straight trunk which helps prevent predators from climbing into the treetop. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) is also a good example of a pine tree growing in USDA zones 5 through 9 that provides birds with nesting and roosting sites as well as cover.

Food Value

Pine trees bear woody cones that contain nutrient-rich seeds appreciated by many wildlife as food. Even though it generally takes a decade or two for a pine tree to bear cones, the seeds attract many kinds of birds and also small animals like rabbits and chipmunks. Ponderosa pine seeds attract jays, nutcrackers, rufous-sided towhees and mourning doves. Stone pine (Pinus pinea), which is hardy in USDA zones 9 through 10, produces large seeds used not just by wildlife, however, by humans.

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