Growing Serviceberry Seeds

Serviceberry, or shadbush, is the frequent name for species at the Amelanchier family. Frequent species such as alder-leaved serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) and downy serviceberry (A. arborea) are hardy at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. Serviceberries are deciduous trees, growing up to 30 feet tall, or shrubs. They comprise oval leaves that normally turn red in the autumn, clusters of white spring flowers, and black or red fruits. Growing times and requirements are somewhat determined by individual species.

Seed starting

Collect fruits when they are ripe — in early summer, when completely colored. Seeds must be separated from the fruit, which can be carried out by turning fruits temporarily in a blender, rather one with a dull blade, and removing the seeds in the resultant pulp. Dry for several days on a sheet of newspaper. If necessary, store in airtight containers. Many growers scarify seeds, planting them at a medium containing equal parts perlite, peat and vermiculite, and chilling them in 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit for three to six months.


Plant nonscarified seeds in late autumn in full sun or part shade in a thickness of 1/4 inch. Scarified seeds should be planted in the spring. Germination may take as long as seventeen months. Growth rate is dependent on species, variety and growing conditions. Water seedlings regularly during dry spells. Dr. Michael Dirr of the University of Georgia classifies downy serviceberry as a medium-rate grower, reaching up to ten feet tall within five to eight years. The downy species will ultimately reach around 25 feet tall.


To remove the time-consuming efforts involved in seed separation, stratification and planting, you might even collect little, self-sown seedlings from areas close established serviceberry trees. Obtain permission from the trees’ owner. Use a trowel to dig up the seedlings, making sure the root ball is at least a few inches in diameter for very tiny seedlings and bigger for much more established ones. Plant seedlings so the cap of the root ball is level with the surrounding ground. Spring planting is best for seedlings.


Collect seeds in cultivated, domestic serviceberry trees, as those gathered from wild specimens will not be as viable overall. Seedlings from appointed serviceberry varieties may or may not come true from seed. Many named varieties, such as “Autumn Brilliance” and “Ballerina,” are actually hybrids (Amelanchier x grandiflora). Offspring of these varieties are going to have some but probably not all features of the parent plant. To generate offspring identical to the parents, spread by rooted cuttings rather than seeds.

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