How to Bring Faded Wood Cabinets Back to Your Glance

Wood cabinets add elegance to your kitchen, bathroom or any other room in your home. Over the years, however, once-glossy cupboards start to look faded and dull as they adhere to the pressures of age. You do not need to refinish your cupboards to receive that sparkle back; a dab of glue wax and a little bit of elbow grease will get the job done in no time.

Open a window for ventilation, even if possible, before you start working. This helps prevent you from breathing in dangerous chemical fumes. Wear a pair of disposable rubber or latex gloves.

Dampen a cloth with mineral spirits, then wipe down the cupboards to eliminate dirt and debris. Alternatively, add several drops of oil soap into a bowl of warm water. Wet a cloth with the soapy water, then wipe the cupboards. Let the cupboards dry, then buff them with a clean cloth.

Fill in scratches with a fine-tip mark, if applicable. Use a mark that matches the colour of the cupboards as closely as possible. Assess an art supply store for a selection of mark colors. These shops usually sell individual markers, which means you won’t need to purchase an whole package.

Wrap a clean fabric around a walnut-sized ball of paste wax. Rub the cabinet with the fabric using small, circular motions. As you tighten, the wax will slowly come through the fabric. Apply only a thin layer of wax; then you do not require much to make cabinets shine.

Let the wax dry for 15 to 30 minutes, or until it starts to look dull. Should you allow the wax dry completely, it will be hard to eliminate. If this happens, apply another coat of wax to soften the dried coat.

Buff the cabinet with a clean cloth. Use small, circular motions to remove excess wax and also make the wood shine.

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