How to Get a Rabbit to Leave Your Yard

Wild rabbits are not typically inhabitants of expansive grasslands or heavily wooded forests. They prefer “borders” like the organic dividers abutting open areas and woods. Practical rabbit solutions to our planet’s shrinking wild surroundings include parks and lawns, which are just like the edges that split differing natural habitats. Since suburban life appeals to these creatures, you have to make your yard as unattractive as possible to get a rabbit to depart in pursuit of hospitable digs.

Modify your yard to leave it less suitable for rabbit homesteading. Mow your lawn frequently to maintain the grass as short as possible. Cut down or trim back standing weeds. Rabbits prefer taller grass and stands of weeds for privacy. Prune low-hanging tree limbs and overgrown shrubs to deprive rabbits of cover and shelter. Relocate stacks of bricks or bunker as far from gardening areas as you can. Haul off brush, debris, trash and vegetative refuse from gardening areas. These materials give prime rabbit shelters.

Install cheap 1-inch chicken wire around the yard perimeter or rabbit-prone gardening areas. A hurdle about 24 to 30 inches high is tall enough to deny access to the ideal feeding opportunities. Allow enough fencing material to bury about 4 to 6 inches of it to prevent rabbits from digging under.

Protect tree trunks with 1/4-inch mesh hardware cloth. Encircle the tree with the mesh, and secure the ends together with wire ties. Leave about 4 inches clearance between the back of the tree along with the wire mesh. Bury about 4 to 6 inches of the cage.

Construct cages to prevent rabbit entry to smaller gardening areas or just ornamental specimens. Roll chicken wire or hardware cloth into a cylinder, and tie the ends together with wire ties. Surround the plant with the cage. Bury it around 4 to 6 inches deep.

Cut the tops and bottoms from tall, empty food cans. Wash the cans with hot soapy water. Collar young seedlings with the cans to protect them from rabbit predation. Rabbits prefer tender new growth, so after seedlings mature, the creatures tend to leave them alone.

Scatter blood meal generously in, on and around plants to deter rabbits. They do not like the scent of blood and will prevent it. Many gardeners find sprinkling generous amounts of cocoa hot red pepper on plants useful for repelling rabbits.

Allow your dog or cat accessibility to your yard on a regular basis. Rabbits fear that these pets as seekers. They won’t hang around for long if dogs and cats pester and frighten them enough.

Treat your yard with coyote or fox pee. Rabbits are at the top of the menus for these seekers, and they understand it. They instinctively avoid areas regularly patrolled by foxes and coyotes, so they’re likely to leave your yard if they believe their natural opponents are alive there. Predator urines are available from gardening stores and home improvement sections. Follow the packing instructions.

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