How to Refinish Chrome Bathroom Fixtures

Chrome faucets and handles are durable but not indestructible, and sometimes they require a little touching up. This can be challenging because chrome is slick and shiny, meaning that paint tends not to stick to it well. Using a self-etching primer and paint that is formulated specifically for chrome will help give your old fixtures a shiny new appearance.

Sand the chrome fixtures gently with rough-grit sandpaper to remove the shine. This will help the primer do its function, that will be to help the new finish adhere to the older one.

Wipe away all of the sanding dust with tack fabrics. These are specially formulated to grab up tiny particles. Take your time, and be certain that you receive all of the dust to ensure a smooth finish.

Examine the fixtures a second time together with #000 steel wool to remove any remaining shine. This also smooths out the rough sanding marks to make sure a sleeker final outcome.

Cut-off 2-inch strips of painter’s tape, and use them to safeguard the region immediately around the fixtures and drain. Arrange the strips like the petals of a flower, with one brief side snugged up against the foundation of the fixtures or drain. Cover any other surfaces you do not need painted using butcher paper secured with painter’s tape.

Spray everything which you mean to paint using a self-etching primer. Wear goggles and a painter’s mask to protect you from airborne mist. Shake the can well, and hold it 4 to 6 inches away from the fixtures. Use small, even strokes to use the primer.

Let the primer dry for the recommended time on the label. This can take as long as 36 hours, so don’t guess. Insert two to three hours if you live in a moist climate are priming to a rainy day.

Apply a coat of paint that is specially formulated for use on metal. The label on the can will let you know what surfaces it will adhere to best. If you don’t use a spray paint, then use a sponge brush to prevent leaving brush marks. Let the paint dry completely according to the manufacturer’s recommended time before deciding in the event that you would like to add another coat.

Spray on a thin, even layer of clear coat. This will definitely up the shine factor of your faucet, help protect the paint and keep it looking new.

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