What Color Trim for Gray Walls?

The right trim or molding color, like the correct accessories, plays a significant decorating role, lifting grey walls out of underground-parking-lot territory. Trim doesn’t just neaten or complete a space, it outlines architectural details, and draws the eye walls, around windows and into niche areas. You might impulsively want to paint it pure, that sometimes is fine but not to get all hues. Gray is impartial enough to adapt to any outline color; pick one — or two — to boost your home’s palette and satisfy your design sensibility.

White Here

Pure-white trim could be decoratively beneficial in some cases. Unadulterated white traces pale, barely grey walls, providing a little contrast, even if just slightly distinguishable — a dark or vivid trim color can stifle or clean out mellow gray to get a dirtying or smoke-stained result. For mid- or dark gray — or even pale gray — walls, sidestep stark white in favor of cream, butter, tan or beige trim. Off-white molding lines travel along grey walls with visual “quietness” as opposed to intense harshness or overbearing contrast.

Organic Neutrals

Basically, gray is whitened combined with a little black, and by changing the grayness of the walls and trim, you can create nearly smooth definition. Light gray trim wrapped about medium gray walls performs down trivial moldings or a flawed design, such as low ceilings. To lessen contrast effect even more, simply use the same grey on the walls, ceiling and trim, providing the latter slightly more sheen — semigloss paint will do — to get subtle distinction and cleaning ease. An earthy trim alternative is salvaged barn planks or lumber that comes in weathered, sun-bleached grey.

Perimeter Pop

Think of brightly coloured trim as a highlighter pencil, following the room’s footprint and boosting its detail. Bright blue about gray includes a wooded nod, while lime or orange says “contemporary, and proud of it .” Gray walls are neutral enough to handle pretty much any daring hue, whether paint or semitransparent stain that pulls out a beautiful wood grain. So long as the color-rich shade plays into the room’s scheme or theme, standout trim provides even a ho-hum layout an urban edge.

Bring It Black Down

Not all of a room’s trim has to match. White or sloping trim along the ceiling and around doors and windows lifts the eye upwards, while dark snaking along the floor grounds the room. Again, black is a component of gray, which makes this a natural matching. Go all out with wide, ornate baseboards if the space requires a dramatic design component. Subtle hints of black throughout, such as in artwork frames and table legs, provides visual link. No matter which trim color you intend to use, keep gray walls true, not dark, by layering the lighting; lights, sconces and pendant lights hung low but above eye level above the coffee table, dining table and island keep the room well lighted and shadows minimum.

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