What to Expect During a House Appraisal

A home appraisal is done when there is a home being accepted for a mortgage loan. The lender counts on the assistance of a trained professional to offer an unbiased opinion of the house 's value so it doesn't loan more money than the property is worth. An appraisal is especially handy for a possible home purchaser, so that he can be confident he is not paying too much for a property.

Full Access

Your home appraiser requires unfettered access to each area such as the basement, garage and attic. He checks to determine how well it is being maintained and the home was constructed.

Behind the Scenes

To be able to determine the value of your home, a home appraiser conducts research that you may not know about. He assesses a number of resources, such as country courthouse documents, private information vendors and the Multiple Listing Service to discover how much homes comparable to yours have sold for the recent sales prices of homes available on the market in your area. He does a field inspection of the exterior characteristics of properties to determine how your home compares.


You can anticipate the home appraiser to shoot photos of the interior and exterior of your premises, so ensure that your home is organized and clean prior to the home comes. The lending company counts on these photos to see what type of condition your home is in. If your home is cluttered and looks dirty, lenders may wonder when you’ve ignored basic maintenance issues, so do your best to not give them any reason to worry by cleaning the property completely.

Square Footage Estimates

An appraiser measures the outside of a home to estimate square footage. Non-living areas, such as garages and covered porches, are not utilized within this calculation, but are mentioned in his report.

Overview Of Home

The appraiser's report comprises an summary of the home, from its design to upgrades and conveniences. He verifies the number and varieties of floor plan, rooms, age and general condition. While he's not doing exactly the exact same type of thorough inspection a home inspector could do, he does list clear defects in the property.

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