How to Uninstall a Ceiling Fan

With any luck, your ceiling fans will — like the infamous ones at Rick’s American Café in the film classic”Casablanca” — give decades of helpful service. Should you need to replace them, given a desire to upgrade your space décor or a motor failure, uninstalling requires reversing the stages of installation. You are able to follow a procedure universal, if you can not locate your installation guide. Take special care in unmounting the motor to prevent injury.

Flip off. Mount a ladder below the fan. Verify that no electricity checking for an absence of chirps, is entering the apparatus with a non-contact circuit tester stored near the motor or flashing lights.

Key both or three screws holding each fan blade to the motor housing. Place aside. Find the three or two screws holding the canopy, which covers the wiring above the motor, and unscrew them. Let the canopy gently drop onto the motor’s trunk.

Assign an assistant to spot you at the bottom of the ladder in case of difficulty removing the enthusiast that is hefty, or ideally on a second ladder steadying the motor while it is unmounted by you.

Examine the mount hidden by the canopy to understand how to disengage the motor and its housing. You might have to push a pin out of a support mount and dangle the motor on a wire support hook built in to support the motor, while the gadget is wired by the installer. Alternately, a security cable can run from a twist. Ideally, consult manufacturer’s literature before you mount the ladder to determine if the pin, or alternatively a ball notch or other connector, links the mounting bracket and the downrod.

Twist the wire nuts on each wire counterclockwise to eliminate them. Untwist the wires and set aside. Unhook the motor housing with help, from cable or the security hook in the assistant to steady your ladder, and set it on the floor. Twist the wire nuts back to prevent shorting them. Install your ceiling fan or twist a cover. Restore power.

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