Meyer Lemon Tree Pests

Meyer lemons (Citrus x meyeri), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 9 through 11, are an unusual variety of lemon, considered to be a cross between a mandarin orange and a lemon. These unusual fruits are rounder than ordinary lemons, have a darker yellow rind, and therefore are famous for their distinctive sweet flesh. Meyer lemons aren’t commonly offered in grocery stores, but are available at farmer’s markets on the West Coast. It’s this inconsistent availability that leads many house growers to plant their own Meyer lemon trees. As with other lemon trees, Meyers are susceptible to a variety of pests, for which there are a variety of treatments.


A few common bugs Meyer lemons may have include mites, scale insects, whiteflies, aphids and caterpillars. Mites are tiny arachnids that suck liquid from foliage, doing just temporary harm. Trees with mites typically recover if the mites are gone. Scales are observed in the spring and early summer, attached to leaves where they suck juices. These insects can cause pest infestations by pulling insects with their honeydew, which could also cause the growth of mould on the tree. Aphids are tiny brown, black, green, red or white bugs that live on the underside of plant leaves and feed on the juices within.


Lemon trees that show leaves with yellow spotting, browning or curling leaves, eaten leaves, silken threads or cottony lesions all may have a pest issue. Trees with pest problems may also discard leaves or create lemons.


Applying horticultural oils on brand new flushes of growth may control populations of scale insects. Horticultural oil, which can be generally harmless to individuals and beneficial insects, must be mixed with water at a 1 percent solution. Sulfur spray, which you may buy in nurseries, helps regulate mite populations. If both these sprays are necessary, sulfur spray and horticulture oil spray should not be applied to a tree in just three weeks of each other. Biological controls, such as lady beetles and lacewings, can be employed to control aphid populations. Aphids also react to insecticidal soaps, and in included cases, may also be pruned away.


Checking your Meyer lemon tree for pest problems will avoid any new difficulties from getting unmanageable, and will help mitigate disaster. Offering your tree with appropriate maintenance, by cleaning up dead leaves and pruning dead or damaged branches, will continue to keep the tree healthy, decreasing the probability of pest infestation. This type of clean up also removes potential places for pests to inhabit.

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