How to Gild Walls

Gilding is simply the overlaying of stone on a surface. When implemented on walls, gold leaf imparts a subtle and sensuous glow, especially in candlelight. Engaging a professional artist to gild your walls may cost a lot of money, and you might not get the specific look that you want. Fortunately, gilding is not much harder than wallpapering. The key is to keep in mind that the gold leaf is more delicate than wallpaper and that it adheres best to a clean, flawless surface.

Dilute 1/4 cup or so of dish liquid in 1 gallon of warm water. Wash the walls you intend to gild. Wipe off the excess dampness with store cloths and allow the walls dry completely.

Sand off any paint bumps or other irregular surfaces. Wipe the sanded spots using a tack cloth.

Fill any holes with drywall filler. Apply it using a craft stick, using the border of the stick to scrape across the patch until it is flat with the wall. Let the filler dry completely and then sand it smooth. Wipe off the sanding dust with a tack cloth.

Turn the ceiling, the casting around windows and doors and also the baseboards with painter’s tape.

Prime the wall with two coats of water-based primer. Let the primer dry for at least 4 hours between coats, or more if you reside in a damp or rainy area.

Apply two coats of latex paint at an eggshell finish. Let the paint dry completely between coats. Let the second coat dry overnight before applying the gold leaf.

Start at the end of the room and roll gold-leaf adhesive in a long stripe in the ceiling to the baseboard. Water-based adhesive is easier to work with and lets you take your time applying the gold leaf.

Start at the ceiling and press a strip of gold leaf on the wall. Go over the paper on top of the gold leaf gently with your hands or using a squirrel mop brush — a outsized artist brush with long, lush bristles — to press out any air bubbles and make sure the gold leaf is adhering correctly.

Peel the paper backing off of the gold leaf, rushing the stone leaf gently using the squirrel mop brush to allow it to stick to the wall. Continue until you have gilded the whole wall, 1 strip at a time.

Employ a water-based masonry to your golden leaf using a short-napped roller to seal and protect it. Let the varnish dry overnight.

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