Tips for Maintaining Your Residential Window Film

The window cleaning in your home comes with many benefits. Aside from enhancing your home’s aesthetic value, it can also help to protect your home against UV rays and improve the energy efficiency. But in order for it to last for a long time, it’s important that you know how to look after it.

Below are some tips on how to maintain your residential window film at home:

After Application of Your Film

After the tint is applied, excess moisture could get trapped underneath it. It may also produce a foggy or cloudy appearance that will make your window look unattractive. But this is normal and could last up to a month, depending on the thickness of the tint and the type of adhesives used. Eventually, you will see these imperfections go away. Never try to pop the bubbles as this will just cause further damage to the film and will peel it away.

When to Clean New Film

Wait for at least a month before you start cleaning the windows. Cleaning your windows earlier could break the adhesive bonding down and will ruin the film. You should do the cleaning in the morning before the windows start to heat up, as this is the time when the film will be less likely to get damaged. You can also do the cleaning in the evening.

How to Clean It

Be very gentle when cleaning the window installation and don’t apply heavy pressure on the film because you may damage the adhesives. Use synthetic sponges or soft cloths to loosen any spots and wipe the area with a rubber squeegee in order to remove any of the excess fluid. Avoid using harsh brushes or clothes that have hard textures, as this will just scratch the window film.  Use soap and water and never use any cleaning products that contain alcohol, ammonia, vinegar and other abrasive substances such as baking soda.

Around the Joints

Be very careful when cleaning the spliced areas. Wipe the area to the direction of the splice. When the edge is removed from the windows, the adhesive will soon break down, and eventually, the film will be peeled off from the window.

Cleaning the Excess

There will be excess water after you clean the window repair. Use a different paper towel or cloth to remove the excess water from the windowsill. Don’t leave the water on the window because it could seep behind the film and erode the adhesives. Never use the same cloth that you have used to clean the window as it will pick up the dust and debris and will leave scratches on the film.

When you do proper maintenance, your window film will last a long time and will make your windows look brand new. So make the most of your investment by following the tips above. If your window tint has reached the end of its lifespan, then you should consider putting a new film.

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